Happy houR!
It’s happy houR. I’m in a happy place, and I’m going to spend an hour trying
to learn something new. Earlier today I watched a video of Hadley Wickham explaining his approach to handling many models.
Now I want to see if this combination of purrr
and broom
can make my approach to multi-model inference easier.
So here’s what I’d have done last year. This is point count data of 3 species of prairie songbirds together with 3 habitat covariates. I’m
pretty sure this comes from Andrea Hanson’s 2007 MSc. thesis, Conservation and beneficial functions of grassland birds in agroecosystems. Normally I would do a bunch of model checking on my most complex model, but I’m in a rush to try broom
, so I create a list of possible models. With 3 main effects and their 3 interactions, we have 48 possible models to consider. That is far too many for such a limited dataset. Background knowledge suggests that VOR will be important, so all models I consider include that effect. Then I’ll add each of the landscape variables in turn, together with the interaction with VOR.
Abundances <- read.csv("_data/Abundances.csv")
## Warning in file(file, "rt"): cannot open file '_data/Abundances.csv':
## No such file or directory
## Error in file(file, "rt"): cannot open the connection
Abundances <- Abundances[,1:7] # drop bogus excel columns
models = list(DICK~1,DICK~vor,
DICK~vor + pc1,
DICK~vor + pc1 + vor:pc1,
DICK~vor + pc2,
DICK~vor + pc2 + vor:pc2,
DICK~vor + pc1 + pc2,
DICK~vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc1,
DICK~vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc2,
DICK~vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc1 + vor:pc2,
DICK~(vor + pc1 + pc2)^2)
fits = lapply(models,glm,data=Abundances,family="poisson")
Now that I have a list of fitted models, I can get a model selection table:
## Model selection based on QAICc :
## (c-hat estimate = 1.517235 )
## K QAICc Delta_QAICc
## DICK ~ vor + pc2 + vor:pc2 5 209.38 0.00
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc2 6 211.16 1.78
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc1 + vor:pc2 7 211.44 2.05
## DICK ~ (vor + pc1 + pc2)^2 8 213.80 4.42
## DICK ~ vor + pc2 4 216.35 6.96
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 5 217.41 8.02
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc1 6 219.31 9.92
## DICK ~ vor 3 221.14 11.75
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 4 221.95 12.57
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + vor:pc1 5 223.79 14.41
## DICK ~ 1 2 255.98 46.60
## QAICcWt Cum.Wt Quasi.LL
## DICK ~ vor + pc2 + vor:pc2 0.52 0.52 -99.09
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc2 0.21 0.73 -98.72
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc1 + vor:pc2 0.18 0.91 -97.55
## DICK ~ (vor + pc1 + pc2)^2 0.06 0.97 -97.37
## DICK ~ vor + pc2 0.02 0.98 -103.78
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 0.01 0.99 -103.10
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + pc2 + vor:pc1 0.00 1.00 -102.80
## DICK ~ vor 0.00 1.00 -107.34
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 0.00 1.00 -106.58
## DICK ~ vor + pc1 + vor:pc1 0.00 1.00 -106.30
## DICK ~ 1 0.00 1.00 -125.88
Now in Hadley’s approach, I would put the formulas and the models as rows in a data.frame.
mods <- data.frame(models = models)
## Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE): cannot coerce class ""formula"" to a data.frame
Ah. There I seem to be stuck. I’d thought I’d be able to put the list of models into a column of a data.frame. I mean, Hadley put a whole column of data.frames into a data.frame! Surely this isn’t any more difficult. Can this be a vector?
## Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE): cannot coerce class ""formula"" to a data.frame
No. Hmmm. Happy houR is rapidly coming to a close and I haven’t achieved my goal. Maybe the trick is to use tidyr::nest()
? No, because that only worked to put subsets of the variables into single rows. I guess I could coerce the whole thing to a character vector
mods <- data.frame(models = as.character(models))
OK that works. But now I’ll have to coerce that to a formula before fitting … I guess I can use a function to handle all that
fitMods <- function(f){
glm(as.formula(f), data=Abundances, family = "poisson")
map(mods, fitMods)
## Error in formula.default(object, env = baseenv()): invalid formula
Well nuts. I’m guessing map()
isn’t doing what I’m expecting, which is walking across the rows. But then again …
## [1] DICK ~ 1
## 11 Levels: DICK ~ (vor + pc1 + pc2)^2 DICK ~ 1 ... DICK ~ vor + pc2 + vor:pc2
## Error in formula.default(object, env = baseenv()): invalid formula
… it’s a factor. oh.
mods <- data.frame(models = as.character(models), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## [1] "DICK ~ 1"
## Call: glm(formula = as.formula(f), family = "poisson", data = Abundances)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)
## 2.153
## Degrees of Freedom: 55 Total (i.e. Null); 55 Residual
## Null Deviance: 174.6
## Residual Deviance: 174.6 AIC: 384
Aha! progress.
result <- map(mods$models, fitMods)
## [1] "list"
but that’s just a list … OK. I’m calling it a day. Nothing’s ever as simple as it seems.